Malika Mokeddem reescritora de mitos clásicos

  1. Figuerola Cabrol, Maria Carme
Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses

ISSN: 1699-4949

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Nummer: 9

Seiten: 230-244

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses


Malika Mokeddem's name is inscribed in that category that critics have agreed to call Literature of urgency . In this complex process of writing she recreates the birth of a personal identity and a collective, that of Algeria, for which the novelist appeals to classical myths. A first objective of this analysis is to observe from which optical input from Mokeddem contributes to the transformation and survival of these mythical representations. Since the successive stories myths in question are associated with the presence of other arts such as music, painting or literature itself and its capacity as intertext, reflections are proposed on the links established by the novelist between these different modes of expression and media in each case the characteristic.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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  • CAMINERO SANTOS, Juventino (2009): El Ulises de James Joyce: Una interpretación desde la perspectiva hebraica. Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto.
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  • MOKEDDEM, Malika (1990): Les Hommes qui marchent. París, Grasset. MOKEDDEM, Malika (2001): N’Zid. París, Seuil.
  • MOKEDDEM, Malika (2008): Je dois tout à ton oubli. París, Grasset.
  • MOREAU, Alain (1994): Le Mythe de Jason et Médée : le va-nu-pied et la sorcière. París, Les Belles Lettres.
  • USALL, Ramon i Elena GARSABALL [eds.] (2008): Malika Mokeddem, Algèria amb ulls de dona. Lleida, Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, Pagès Editors.