Impacto en el aprendizaje competencial de ELE con la aplicación del método de proyectos en un contexto multilingüecaso de la zona francófona camerunesa

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Isabel del Arco Bravo Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 22 von Juni von 2017

  1. Carme Armengol Asparó Präsident/in
  2. Moisés Selfa Sastre Sekretär
  3. Juan de Dios Villanueva Roa Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 535934 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


  Abstract The teaching of foreign language within a multilingual context raises diverse difficulties regarding the impact of a diversified linguistic environment on the teaching-learning process of that language and the methodological questions. The Cameroonian context, characterized by linguistic diversity and the practice of traditional methodological strategies, suffers even more from these problems. In order to ensure that the teaching-learning process leads to a competency learning of Spanish as a foreign language, it has been necessary to implement the project method in this context. In order to carry out this concern, in addition to the role of the project method, another important factor has been the contribution of the first languages of the students in their learning process. This allowed verifying that the method of projects fosters the acquisition of methodological competences and the development of communicative competence. The first languages facilitate the acquisition of second language within a composite or subordinate multilingual environment and with the practice of the project method, and as they go along, students multiply the realization of projects about subjects that meet their needs, their competences: linguistic, Sociolinguistic and sociocultural, on these issues are developing. By practicing the studied language on a recurring basis by carrying out projects, students are increasingly acquiring the second language. Key words: foreign language teaching; multilingual context; Project method; Competencies.