Anàlisi de llibres de text digitalstractament de competències i ús de recursos multimèdia

  1. Brescó Baiges, Enric
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Francesc Xavier Carrera Farran Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 25 von Januar von 2016

  1. Antonio R. Bartolomé Pina Präsident/in
  2. Jordi Lluís Coiduras Rodríguez Sekretär
  3. Jordi Adell Segura Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 408408 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This thesis is a descriptive analytical study of the e-textbooks used in compulsory education under the Catalan education system. The research is structured into two clearly differentiated lines of work: a) First, a competency analysis was performed to establish how basic competencies were handled in the activities found in the e-textbooks. b) Second, an analysis was performed of the use of multimedia resources in both the content and the activities of these e-textbooks. The final sample included 112 e-textbooks, 106 for compulsory secondary education and 6 for primary education, with a total of 6,154 activities (6,020 for compulsory secondary education studies and 134 primary education studies). Regarding the results for the analysis of competency handling in the activities, it could be said that the e-textbooks analysed did not satisfactorily respond to the competency focus set by the official curricula of either of the two educational stages. Regarding the frequency of use of the various multimedia elements, it could generally be said that the results obtained indicate a classic use of multimedia resources.