La nueva oferta educativa para mayores de la Universidad de Lleidadiplomado senior y especialista en Cultura, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad y "Aula Abierta"

  1. Soldevila Benet, A.
Nuevos perfiles de alumnos en las Aulas de Mayores: reflexiones en torno a sus percepciones y expectativas sobre los Programas Universitarios para Mayores en España
  1. Juan Carlos Maroto martos (coord.)

Verlag: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-5957-0

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Seiten: 223-225

Kongress: Encuentro Nacional de Programas Universitarios para Personas Mayores (14. 2015. Granada)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


In this research show different educative proposals from the University of Lleida for senior students: a) Culture, Science, Technology and Society Senior Degree; b) Culture, Science, Technology Specialist Degree, and c) Open Class. In our university we have been offering different Degrees for senior students since 2004. Nowadays, given the high demand of learning and the educative necessities of senior students, not only we have rethought the previous proposals, but we also have planned new ones. A new formative offer (the Open Class) has been enlarged for these students that although they do not want to continue with a formal educative program, they want to keep their knowledge updated. Thus, we offer non-formal courses for graduated students in order to keep the link with the university. The main novelties are the different formative and flexible learning itineraries. In the case of the Degree: there are a more variety of foreign languages that they can study, there is a social action and also there is an integrated program in which they can attend classes into formal Degrees. In the case of Specialist Degree: there are integrated, research and optative programmes.