La fortalesa dels Vilars (Arbeca, les Garrigues)Noves aportacions sobre la primera edat del ferro i l’època ibèrica (2010-2015)

  1. Natàlia Alonso
  2. Joan Bernal
  3. Alba Castellano
  4. Sergi Gonzàlez
  5. Emili Junyent
  6. Joan B. López
  7. Jordi Martínez
  8. Jordi Mazuque
  9. Ariadna Nieto
  10. Josep Antoni Oliva
  11. Gaël Piquès
  12. Georgina Prats
  13. Sílvia Vila
Primeres Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent: Balaguer i Lleida, 17 i 18 d’abril de 2015

Verlag: Departamento de Cultura ; Generalidad de Cataluña = Generalitat de Catalunya

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Seiten: 88-99

Kongress: Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent (1. 2015. Balaguer i Lleida)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


The fortress of els vilars (arbeca, garrigues): latest contributions on the fi rst iron age and the iberian period (2010-2015) This paper presents a summary of the main research progress achieved in three areas of Els Vilars d’Arbeca fortress for recent years: the eastern quarter, the small square discovered in the west of the site and the well-cistern. First, we analyse the characteristics of the houses located in the northern area of the eastern quarter during the Vilars 0 phase (775-700 BC): the domestic structures and some perinatal burials. Secondly, the fi ndings of an unpublished zone with fi ve bread ovens in a square used during the Vilars I phase (700-550 BC) are also described. And fi nally, it is make the state of post-excavation well-cistern research known, highlighting the fi nding of marine fi sh remains dated from Vilars III-IV (450-300 BC).