Trata de seres humanos para explotación criminalausencia de identificación de las víctimas y sus efectos

  1. Villacampa Estiarte, Carolina
  2. Torres Rosell, Núria
Estudios penales y criminológicos

ISSN: 1137-7550

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 36

Seiten: 771-829

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Estudios penales y criminológicos


The victim centric approach to trafficking in human beings highlights victim protection and respect for their rights. To make this protection effective it is necessary that victims are identified as such, which is difficult in not enough analysed forms of trafficking, like the one addressed to the criminal exploitation of victims. In this research 37 in-depth interviews with professionals working either in criminal enforcement and judicial agencies or in victim support have been conducted to determine the reasons why victims have not been properly identified and the effects that this lack of identification causes to them during their contact with the criminal justice system.

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