COVID-19Impacto Psicológico, Factores de Riesgo e Intervenciones Psicológicas en el Personal Sanitario. Una Revisión Sistemática

  1. María Dolores Tolsa
  2. Olga Malas
Revista iberoamericana de psicología y salud

ISSN: 2171-2069

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 12

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 58-75

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista iberoamericana de psicología y salud


Relating to poor mental health of healthcare workers due to COVID-19 pandemic, the present systematic review aims to synthesize the knowledge generated between November-2019 and September-2020 about psychological impact, risk factors and psychological interventions carried out on this population. Following PRISMA methodology, we retrieved 49 titles, which fulfilled all inclusion and quality criteria; and that revealed prevalences ranging from 5.2% to 79% for stress, from 6.78% to 71% for sleep disturbances, from 4.98% to 50% for anxiety, from 8.9% to 50.70% for depression and from 4.4% to 19.10% for post-traumatic stress disorder. Higher prevalences were dependent on experiencing situations of increased risk (early stages of the pandemic, working on the front line, the scarcity of personal protection resources or the lack of social support) and the membership to susceptible population groups (being a woman, working as a health support staff, have little training on COVID-19, being of low socioeconomic status and/or have a sedentary lifestyle among others). Prevail the interventions based on early intervention strategies, for solving immediate problems, and cognitivebehavioral therapy in order to increase adaptive behaviors, greater coping skills to stress, and establish social support systems.

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