Literatura infantil portuguesa en tiempos de la Dictaduracensura y voces de resistencia

  1. Ângela Balça 2
  2. Fernando José Fraga de Azevedo 1
  3. Moisés Selfa i Sastre 3
  1. 1 Universidade do Minho

    Universidade do Minho

    Braga, Portugal


  2. 2 Universidade de Évora

    Universidade de Évora

    Évora, Portugal


  3. 3 Universitat de Lleida

    Universitat de Lleida

    Lleida, España


Ocnos: revista de estudios sobre lectura

ISSN: 2254-9099 1885-446X

Ano de publicación: 2017

Volume: 16

Número: 1

Páxinas: 107-120

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.18239/OCNOS_2017.16.1.1160 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Outras publicacións en: Ocnos: revista de estudios sobre lectura


This study discusses how portuguese children’s literature authors have succeeded in eluding censorship during the dictatorship period (1926-1974), by publishing written texts which shared hidden messages with their readers, messages that could not have been conveyed and discussed otherwise. The objectives of this study are to divulge children’s literature texts, published during the dictatorship and read nowadays by children; to understand which themes and values are shared in these works with younger readers; to understand which mechanisms were used by the authors to evade censorship and to share their message with children. As a methodology, we have privileged the hermeneutical analysis, thereby developing a critical and reflexive reading of the texts. From this analysis we have concluded that these works approach themes like racism and the promoting of the equality among Mankind, like the defense of freedom and the resistance to oppression, and the exhortation to peace. The authors have cultivated a symbolic language, a metaphor, the ambiguity, humor, and irony as mechanisms to reach younger readers and to share their message

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