Desafíos pendientes para la atención efectiva de los menores extranjeros no acompañados víctimas de trata de seres humanos

e-Eguzkilore.: Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa = Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas

ISSN: 2530-1969

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakia: 9

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: e-Eguzkilore.: Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa = Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas


Minors who are victims of human trafficking are susceptible to suffer alterations in their adequate personal development towards adulthood. Even more vulnerable are unaccompanied foreign minors, who in addition to their young age, are unaccompanied by their parents or legal guardians in a country that is not their own. In this context, the response of professionals is essential to detect and identify these cases quickly and effectively, as well as to provide the appropriate assistance that these victims need. On this basis, a qualitative study has been carried out consisting of fifteen interviews with different professionals from the administrative and third sector working in the autonomous community of Catalonia, which has provided a better understanding of the reality faced by this type of victims and the difficulties or obstacles that currently exist to help them successfully complete their recovery process.