Publikationen (117) Publikationen von NATALIA ALONSO MARTINEZ


  1. Genere i producció en les societats prehistoriques. El repte de l'arqueologiadavant la invisibilització del treball de les dones en les economies preindustrials

    Reptes de recerca en historia de les dones (Ediciones de la Universidad de Lérida = Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida), pp. 74-82

  2. Paleoflora y Paleovegetación Ibérica: Holoceno

    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

  3. Paleoflora y Paleovegetación Ibérica: Pleistoceno

    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


  1. Architecture, Power and Everyday Life in the Iron Age of North-eastern Iberia. Research from 1985 to 2019 on the Tell-like Fortress of Els Vilars (Arbeca, Lleida, Spain)

    Current Approaches to Tells in the Prehistoric Old World, pp. 189-208

  2. Ethnogrinding Database: A tool to collect and connect worldwide information on ethnological and ethnoarchaeological hand-milling systems

    Journal of Lithic Studies, Vol. 7, Núm. 3, pp. 1-23

  3. From the earliest farmers to the first urban centres: A socio-economic analysis of underground storage practices in north-eastern Iberia

    Antiquity, Vol. 94, Núm. 375, pp. 653-668

  4. Household storage, surplus and supra-household storage in prehistoric and protohistoric societies of the Western Mediterranean

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 15, Núm. 9 September

  5. La transición del Mesolítico final hacia los procesos de neolitización en la comarca del Alto Maestrazgo Castellonense a partir del registro carpo lógico del Cingle del Mas Nou y Cava Fosca

    Cingle del Mas Nou: vida y muerte en el 7000 BP. Un campamento temporal del Mesolítico reciente, inmerso en los procesos de neolitización con inhumación colectiva. (Parque rupestre de Gassulla. Ares del Maestre, Alto Maestrazgo, Castellón, España) (Servei d'Investigacions Arqueològiques i Prehistòriques), pp. 167-171

  6. Languedoc lagoon environments and man: Building a modern analogue botanical macroremain database for understanding the role of water and edaphology in sedimentation dynamics of archaeobotanical remains at the Roman port of Lattara (Lattes, France)

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 15, Núm. 6

  7. Plant foods, stone tools and food preparation in prehistoric Europe: An integrative approach in the context of ERC funded project PLANTCULT

    Journal of Lithic Studies

  8. Storage in Prehistory: Introduction to the special issue

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

  9. The storage of pulses during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the East of the Iberian Peninsula: Examining the archaeological data through the lens of ethnography

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 30


  1. A brief overview of archaeological research on ancient mills and milling in Spain

    Revista d'arqueologia de Ponent, Núm. 4, pp. 13-31

  2. A first approach to women, tools and operational sequences in traditional manual cereal grinding

    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 11, Núm. 8, pp. 4307-4324