Capítols de llibre (9) Publicacions en què ha participat algun/a investigador/a


  1. ALMIA: hacia un modelo de aldea rural sostenible

    Construyendo un mundo sostenible: ODS clave para el cambio (Dykinson), pp. 63-75

  2. An Experimental Study on the Thermo-mechanical Properties of Cement Mortar with Textile Fibers for Building Applications

    RILEM Bookseries (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 1153-1162

  3. Human-computer interaction research on ageism: Essential, incipient and challenging

    Digital Ageism: How it Operates and Approaches to Tackling it (Taylor and Francis), pp. 116-133

  4. On the Intensive Care Unit Admission During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Region of Lleida, Spain: A Machine Learning Study

    Proceedings of ELM 2021, pp. 92-103

  5. Relaciones comerciales entre la Unión Europea y Singapur y Vietnam. Efecto de la covid-19 y de los nuevos acuerdos

    Las relaciones comerciales de la Unión Europea con el resto del mundo: un análisis desde la postpandemia y la agresión rusa a Ucrania (Aranzadi), pp. 473-493

  6. Relaciones comerciales entre la Unión Europea y Turquía

    Las relaciones comerciales de la Unión Europea con el resto del mundo: un análisis desde la postpandemia y la agresión rusa a Ucrania (Aranzadi), pp. 217-231

  7. Trade relations between the European Union and Singapore and Vietnam. Effect of covid-19 and new agreements

    The Trade Relations of the European Union with the rest of the World: An Analysis after the Pandemic and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Aranzadi), pp. 455-476

  8. Trade relations between the European Union and Türkiye

    The Trade Relations of the European Union with the rest of the World: An Analysis after the Pandemic and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Aranzadi), pp. 205-222

  9. Trends on Decision Support Systems: A Bibliometric Review

    Intelligent Systems Reference Library (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 169-199