Ciutat i conflicte en un canvi d’època. Escenaris per a la millora convivencial a l’àrea metropolitana de barcelona

Supervised by:
  1. Fidel Molina Luque Director

Defence university: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 18 September 2018

  1. Carmen Elboj Saso Chair
  2. Pedro Fraile Secretary
  3. Blanca Torrubia Chalmeta Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 581834 DIALNET


Thesis presented on the Doctorate in Education, Society and Quality of Life of the University of Lleida by JoanMa Torres. Supervised by Doctor Fidel Molina. This thesis presents new perspectives in the conceptualisation of urban coexistence, opening up new scenarios for the configuration of public metropolitan policies. The main idea focuses on the conceptualisation of coexistence and the key indicators here. The results show hygienic and motivating factors in urban coexistence and causal links in community conflicts. Production of the research creates a coexistence pyramid and a coexistence barometer to be able to measure and improve the management of urban complexity by the urban actors. Keywords: metropolis, city, conflict, coexistence, public urban polices, mediation.