Sarraïns d'Aitona, el tresor de la família Montcada. Estudi de l'aljama al segle XVel treball agrícola, els sistemes hidràulics i les rendes senyorials

Supervised by:
  1. Joan Josep Busqueta Riu Director
  2. Helena Kirchner Co-director

Defence university: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 18 January 2016

  1. Antoni Furió Chair
  2. Jordi Bolòs Masclans Secretary
  3. Antoni Virgili Colet Committee member

Type: Thesis

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ABSTRACT The feudal conquest of Lleida’s downlands entailed the transfer of a significant indigenous population contingent in Baix Segre which had to adapt to the feudal system. In the XV century Aitona’s aljama inherited that reality. Under the rule of the Montcada’s family the aljama used Arabic language and its own laws, but it’s under feudal legality. Access to land and houses by emfiteusi is equal to Christians and Muslims. These lands have an abundant irrigated area (31ha) with small proprieties, irrigated by the canal Major. I this irrigated areas Montcada’s family has introduced vineyards and grain. The difference between Christians and Muslims is economic regime, since the aljama paids more money and is forced to work for the lord. The Monctada did work a gear that worked before his arrival to the territory taking advantage of it, modifying it and adapting it to their needs of income as feudal lords.