La nova i reial població de Sant Carles de la Ràpita (1780-1794)

  1. Borràs Matamoros, Noèlia
Dirigida por:
  1. Josep Fàbregas Roig Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 22 de noviembre de 2013

  1. Carlos Martínez Shaw Presidente/a
  2. Lluís Navarro Miralles Secretario/a
  3. Roberto Fernández Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

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Charles III's decision to open Alfacs harbour to foreign trade with 1778 led to the development of a series of projects in the area of Ràpita which culminated in the founding of a new village. It was planned the fortification of the bay by building three gun batteries and opening a navigable channel between Ràpita and Amposta to facilitate trade along the Ebre river. Due to the land claims of the peasantry, nobility, clergy and bourgeoisie, the structure of land ownership in the Delta de l ‘ Ebre changed. All the building works and the project of the new village were stopped by Charles IV’s command in 1795. However, the village did not disappear and the people who were living in Sant Carles settled down thanks to agriculture and fishing.