La Aventura nocturnaclaves del sueño en la literatura castellana medieval y del siglo XVI

  1. Acebrón Ruiz, Julián
Supervised by:
  1. Guillermo Serés Guillén Director
  2. Jaume Pont Ibáñez Director

Defence university: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 21 August 2003

  1. Luis Alberto Blecua Perdices Chair
  2. María Dolores González Martínez Secretary
  3. Gonzalo Pontón Gijón Committee member
  4. María Carmen Marín Pina Committee member
  5. Isabel Grifoll Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 86187 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This dissertation is an inquiry into the nature of medieval conceptions of sleeping and dreaming and how are they reflected in the spanish literary texts between XIIIth and XVIth centuries. It concludes with three convictions: first, that the pagan culture concerning dream visions was not absolutly eradicated from daily popular customs, despite of ecclesiastical censures againts superstitions; secondly, that ascetic christian doctrine is relevant to understand medieval conceptions of sleeping and, consequently, of dreaming; and, finaly, that oneiric literary exploitation increase when medical and psichological theories of dream experiences prevail over theology. This study deals mainly with medieval hagiography (Vida de Santa María Magdalena), epic poetry (Poema de Fernán González), chivalric romance (Garci Rodríguez de Montalvos Las Sergas de Esplandián, Páez de Riberas Florisando, the anonymous Palmerín de Olivia) and two modern texts: La Lozana andaluza by Francisco Delicado, and Luis Barahona de Sotos Las lágrimas de Angélica..