Los relatos autobiográficos y su análisis como herramienta para el desarrollo de la práctica profesional en la formación inicial de maestros a través del arte contemporáneo

  1. Farrero Oliva, Mireia
Dirigida por:
  1. Glòria Jové Monclús Directora

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 03 de junio de 2016

  1. Meritxell Simon Martin Presidenta
  2. Natalia Alonso Martínez Secretaria
  3. María Dolores Soto González Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 422799 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The present research explores the writing of autobiographical narrative and its analysis as a tool for the development of professional practice in initial teacher education through contemporary art. During the research, 407 autobiographical narratives written in teachers’ education in the University of Lleida from 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 y 2012-2013 academic years have been analised. For this purpose, the narrative of the investigation becomes my own autobiographical narrative built through the polyphony. In order to explore and analyse the importance of contemporary art on the development of teaching practice in initial teacher training at the University of Lleida, we ought to explore and develop a methodology for the analysis of autobiographical narratives. The analysis of autobiographical narratives is conducted at three different moments to answer the questions that emerge throughout the investigation. Consequently, the results invite us to develop the autobiographical narrative as a strategy for improving professional practice.