Caracterización del comportamiento eléctrico, mecánico y térmico de compuestos poliméricos y con mezclas provenientes del reciclaje

  1. Marín Genescà, Marc
Dirigida por:
  1. Ramón María Mujal Rosas Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 06 de septiembre de 2011

  1. Miquel Nogués Aymamí Presidente
  2. Manuel José Lis Arias Secretario/a
  3. Luis Guasch Pesquer Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 112934 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This doctoral thesis studies the physical properties of polymeric composite materials, with the addition of ground tire rubber particles (GTR) and the use of any of these compounds for the electrical industry, either as a semiconductor, roofing, piping, insulation and stuffed in the world of electric cables or electric industry in general to provide an outlet for reusable materials from tires and give a new application is interesting for industry and also provide a solution to the serious problem of recycling such waste are as difficult to reuse the tires out of use. The difficulty to eliminate stocks of abandoned tires or store is a serious environmental problem. At present, various methods for recycling used tires, such as mechanical grinding, which separates the vulcanized rubber and steel fibers, using the rubber in many applications such as flooring, insulation, shoes, etc.. The carbon black is an important component in the tires with rates up to 30%, which is used to improve the behavior of these abrasive. This thesis investigates the electrical behavior (conductivity, permittivity, electric module, ...) of different composite materials obtained by mixing different polymers with different percentages of GTR (up to 70%) see their response depending on the amount of GTR, also depending on the frequency and temperature and see the potential feasibility for use in specific applications in the electric field. For this thesis are done different mixtures of materials (polymer insulators) with GTR to study the microstructural properties, thermal, mechanical and dielectric, by performing several tests: test DEA (impedance), test Drive Strain, Young's modulus, elongation at break, tensile strength, hardness, microstructure analysis by electron microscopy and thermal analysis by DSC testing of all compounds that have been made and conclusions drawn as to affect the incorporation tire dust in different proportions of GTR(0-5-10-20-40-50 and 70% ) and with different particle sizes (<200 µm, 200-500 µm,>500 µm). From then analyzes the information obtained from all the research done to extract conclusions, then analyzes the current regulations and how they might use some of the compounds analyzed by the electrical industry, and thus recovered difficult to recycle waste while helping to lower production costs by adding powder tires. In addition, this can mean that quantifies savings in the global market and the Spanish market while environmental factors are weighted, such as the CO2 emissions and the storage of this waste.