A los 100 años de la orientaciónde la orientación profesional a la orientación psicopedagógica

  1. Pérez Escoda, Núria
  2. Filella Guiu, Gemma
  3. Bisquerra Alzina, Rafael
Qurriculum: Revista de Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa

ISSN: 1130-5371

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 22

Pages: 55-71

Type: Article

More publications in: Qurriculum: Revista de Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa


There has fulfilled one hundred years from the foundation by Frank Parsons of the «Vocational Bureau» in Boston, and of his posthumous publication Choosing a Vocation. These facts are considered by many authors as the birth certificate of the Guidance. In the occasion of the centenary of Guidance, it is a good occasion to analyze the historical evolution and to glimpse new challenges and tendencies. We review the main aspects of Guidance throughout century XX, and we may see that the vocational guidance has been extended to a broader frame: processes of teaching and learning (educational guidance), the attention to the diversity, the prevention and the human development. To the whole of this new concept we may refer as psychopedagogical guidance or psychoeducational counseling. Between the new tendencies, the emotional education and the education for citizenship can be mentioned to. From the guidance it is possible to contribute by coordination to make possible the synergy effect.

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