Paralelización del corpus sensemespañol-catalán

  1. Vázquez García, Glòria
  2. Fernández Montraveta, Ana María
Anuari de Filologia. Estudis de Lingüística

ISSN: 2014-1408

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 1

Pages: 167-193

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuari de Filologia. Estudis de Lingüística


This paper presents a parallel corpus for Spanish and Catalan, SenSem. The parallel corpus has been annotated at several linguistic levels (morphological, syntactical and semantic). The information covered at the different levels ranges from words to phrases, and sentences. One of the main values of the resource presented in this work is that it is the first corpus for Catalan that has been annotated with information regarding sentence semantics such as aspectuality and modality. The methodology followed in this project was to translate into Catalan the corpus we already had available from a previous project in Spanish. The link between both corpora has been established at the different informative units mentioned above. All the linguistic annotation has been inherited, correcting necessary aspects when it proved necessary.

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