Precariedad y temporalidad, principales características del empleo juvenil en España

  1. M. Àngels Cabasés Piqué 1
  2. M. Jesús Gómez Adillón 1
  3. Agnès Pardell Veà 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Lleida

    Universitat de Lleida

    Lleida, España


Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social

ISSN: 2254-3295

Any de publicació: 2016

Número: 126

Pàgines: 31-52

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social


In Spain the rate of youth unemployment has exponentially increased in the past few years, and it has turned into a structural problem. When the fourth quarter of 2014 ended, the destruction of employment, which begun along with the economic and financial crisis in 2008, has specially affected young people. Moreover, in this period of time, the employment policy has been affected, with no doubt, by the labour reform of 2012, of which, the changes are discussed in some contractual arrangements that has gone in the opposite direction to strengthen employment policies aimed to achieve the right to work or full employment for young people, law and constitutional mandate that in times of crisis are likely to disappear or be completely isolated. The analysis of the information provided by the Continuous Sample of Working Lives 2013, It reveals that the high time to part-time contracts, with low pay, affects young people under 34 years. And, for the same group, with micro data from the Economically Active Population Survey, it is observed through two Logit models, the factors involved in finding work or not and those that affect the quality. We conclude that low educational level and work in agriculture or construction, increase the likelihood that a young person stay on the one hand, unemployed and on the other, occupied by a temporary contract.

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