Behaviour of Culinary TouristsA segmentation study of diners at Top-Level Restaurants

  1. Natalia Daries 1
  2. Eduard Cristobal-Fransi 1
  3. Berta Ferrer-Rosell 1
  4. Estela Marine-Roig 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Lleida

    Universitat de Lleida

    Lleida, España


Intangible Capital

ISSN: 1697-9818

Año de publicación: 2018

Volumen: 14

Número: 2

Páginas: 332-355

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.3926/IC.1090 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: Intangible Capital


Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants to ascertain the profile of this type of customer, their behaviour and their influence on the destinations where they are located. Design/methodology: During the months of July to December 2016, a survey was conducted on a sample of 187 tourists who had visited Michelin-starred restaurants in order to highlight the most valued aspects during the process of choosing, consulting and booking the top-level restaurant service. Contributions and results: The results reveal the existence of two segments whose behaviour is different, where the individuals of the first consider the culinary experience as the main reason for their tourist visit to the destination. In contrast, the second segment considers that their visit to the destination is the main reason for their tourism. Moreover, the diners from both segments display different behaviour in terms of their post-purchase, recommendation and intention to return behaviour and the perception of the status with which their visit to the restaurant provides them. Limitations: The main limitation of this study is the fact that only the responses of tourists who have visited top-level restaurants in Spain have been studied. Practical implications: The results of this study may help both the managers of restaurants of a certain level and the public authorities responsible for tourism to make decisions, since these types of restaurants are becoming tourist resources of the first order. Social implications: Knowledge of the diner could facilitate the optimal management of the restaurant and help orient it as a tourist resource. In certain areas such a resource can become a pole of tourist attraction and contribute towards territorial balance thanks to the positive externalities it generates in the territory where such establishments are located. Added value: the present research focuses on the study of the behaviour of the culinary tourist in an increasingly popular type of tourism with high added value. Culinary tourism is also enormously important in the economy of the destination and for territorial development. Therefore, this work may be of interest both for public authorities and the managers of this type of restaurant, and to create synergies between the two

Información de financiación

The authors acknowledge the support of the Catalan Government for the accreditation as Consolidated Research Group TURESCO (2017 SGR 49). Authors also acknowledge the University of Lleida grant 2017- TR265 and the INDEST grants for research projects (2017 call). This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness [Grant id.: TURCOLAB ECO2017-88984-R]. Finally, a grant was also received from the UdL Language Institute (2017 call) for editing services.

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