Mujeres mayores también activas, creativas y fuertesmodelos para romper estereotipos

  1. Molina-Luque, Fidel 1
  2. Casado Gual, Núria 1
  3. Sanvicen-Torné, Paquita 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Lleida

    Universitat de Lleida

    Lleida, España


Prisma Social: revista de investigación social

ISSN: 1989-3469

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Envejecimiento y Género: Investigación y Evaluación de Programas

Issue: 21

Pages: 43-74

Type: Article

More publications in: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social


Through the methodologies of the field of the humanities, the international field of ageing studies has demonstrated the important role that narrative practice exercises on older people's quality of life. Psychological and sociological research also shows that the image and representation that an individual has of him/herself and of the social group to which s/he belongs, as well as his/her conceptual and linguistic construction, have a direct influence on their ageing process. This article relates both aspects based on the author Rosa Fabregat (born in 1933), who acts as a case study in two ways. On the one hand, the study intends to demonstrate that narratives written by older women play an exemplary and pedagogical role in helping counteract negative stereotypes of gender and age. On the other hand, the essay applies critical discourse analysis to semi-structured interviews with the writer, as well as to the fifty volumes the author has published to date. The general objective is to analyze the alternative "narrative of age" that is derived from her biography and oeuvre, a narrative that is imbued with her own life experience and written from a feminist angle. In a more specific way, the article takes into account the sociolinguistic and characterological construction of her characters and pays special attention to ageing female figures, as well as to the situations in which they find themselves, and how they have an impact on them or behave within them. Besides analyzing the literary universe of the author through the lens of ageing studies, the article looks at the positive role that the process of literary creation exerts in the author's perception of her own old age, thus connecting her literary creativity with her own aging process.

Funding information

Este artículo forma parte de los resultados hallados en el proyecto de investigación "Envajecimiento, calidad de vida y creatividad a través de la narrativa" (FFI2016-79666-R) financiado por el Ministerio de Competitividad y co-liderado por el grupo GESEC y Grup Dedal-Lit.


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