Los delitos de odio en las redes sociales

  1. Tamarit Sumalla, Josep Maria 1
  1. 1 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

    Barcelona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01f5wp925

IDP: revista de Internet, derecho y política = revista d'Internet, dret i política

ISSN: 1699-8154

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 27

Pages: 17-29

Type: Article


More publications in: IDP: revista de Internet, derecho y política = revista d'Internet, dret i política

Sustainable development goals


Social networks have suitable characteristics for the increase of criminal behaviours, with hate crimes being one area affected by the expansion of Criminal Law. However, the Spanish courts do not respond in a consistent and predictable manner, acting harshly in the application of the crime of glorifying terrorism, which constitutes a threat for the right to freedom of expression and for the principle of sentence proportionality. The study analyses the jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court and concludes by outlining the need to recover the liberal model of the criminal code of 1995, and for jurisprudence to evolve according to the European Court of Human Rights guidelines so that it can respond appropriately to hate speech.

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