Gestions Creativesformar mestres en i per a una realitat complexa i en constant ®evolució

  1. Maria Josep Valls Gabernet
  2. Agustí Liñán Papaseit
  3. Gemma Forns Agulló
  4. Helena Ayuso Moli
  5. Jordina Solsona Badia
Revista catalana de pedagogia

ISSN: 1695-5641

Año de publicación: 2019

Número: 16

Páginas: 161-177

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista catalana de pedagogia


The Pre-school Education degree in Creative Procedures is a project of the Education, Psychology and Social Work School of the University of Lleida that began the 2015-16 academic year. It is based on the need to innovate in university teaching in order to respond to the specificities of the education of society in the 21st century. Is the questioning of traditional pedagogical models of the university necessary and urgent? What responsibility do schools of education have when training teachers in a society of shared knowledge? How can the initial teacher training respond to the constant movement that has caused many schools to contemplate the transformation of methodologies, organizations and architectures? Creative Procedures links all the subjects and knowledge areas of the degree and proposes a methodological, organizational and curricular transformation of the whole degree programme. We take the stance that methodological change is necessary but insufficient to build an educational metamorphosis process. Therefore, the methodology we propose is supported by a curricular ecosystem and a teaching architecture. In this article we seek to share our experience with the intention of creating a hacker swarm (Padilla, 2012) that will allow us to connect knowledge, learning areas and perspectives to build an open, connected, contemporary and critical university.