Emergency remote teaching in higher educationmapping the first global online semester

  1. Melissa Bond
  2. Svenja Bedenlier
  3. Victoria I. Marín
  4. Marion Händel
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

ISSN: 2365-9440

Año de publicación: 2021

Número: 18

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1186/S41239-021-00282-X DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic that spread globally in 2020, higher education courses were subsequently ofered in fully remote, online formats. A plethora of primary studies began investigating a range of topics exploring teaching and learning in higher education, particularly during the initial semester. In order to provide an overview and initial understanding of this emerging research feld, a systematic mapping review was conducted that collates and describes the characteristics of 282 primary empirical studies. Findings reveal that research was carried out mostly descriptively and cross-sectionally, focusing predominantly on undergraduate students and their perceptions of teaching and learning during the pandemic. Studies originate from a broad range of countries, are overwhelmingly published open access, and largely focused on the felds of Health & Welfare and Natural Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics. Educational technology used for emergency remote teaching are most often synchronous collaborative tools, used in combination with text-based tools. The fndings are discussed against pre-pandemic research on educational technology use in higher education teaching and learning, and perspectives for further research are provided.

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