La Educación transmedia en el contexto no formalUna revisión sistemática

  1. Arnau Erta-Majó
  2. Eduard Vaquero
Revista Fuentes

ISSN: 1575-7072 2172-7775

Any de publicació: 2023

Volum: 25

Volum: 1

Pàgines: 59-70

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Fuentes


Media proliferation and the Internet expansion have led to the emergence of transmedia storytelling. Its application in education, known as transmedia education, has mainly been studied in formal educational contexts. However, the learning ecologies approach, underlines the importance of all educational contexts is highlighted. This study aims to know the background of the scientific literature about the use of transmedia storytelling in thenon-formal education. For this purpose, a systematic literature review is carried out, willing to identify and analyze both Transmedia Educational Objects (TEO) and Transmedia Educational Processes (TEP) performed in the non-formal educational context. The systematic literature review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines (Page et al, 2021) in five phases: 1) Search, 2) Filtering, 3) Eligibility, 4) Classification and 5) Review and analysis. These phases resulted in the review and qualitative analysis of 29 documents. The study exposes the scarce development of TEP in the non-formal context, which are often adapted from the formal educational context, without special attention to the characteristics of the non-formal settings. From an ecological point of view, transmedia education has characteristics that could enhance TEPs and diversify learning opportunities, participation, and involvement for diverse groups in the non-formal educational context. It highlights the need and interest in conducting research and practice-oriented projects in a little explored field, where the adaptation of materials to a transmedia environment could promote progress in multiple groups to promote their development and social inclusion

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