Tretze anys de recerca a la fortalesa ilergeta dels Estinclells. Camp d’experimentació de la protohistòria (CEP)Un model científic i pedagògic

  1. Ramon Cardona
  2. Jordi Morer
  3. Josep Pou
  4. Oriol Saula
  5. Rafel Jornet
  6. Natàlia Alonso
  7. Borja Gil
  8. David Asensio
  9. Laia Castillo
  10. Marta Merino
  11. Mireia Pinto
Primeres Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent: Balaguer i Lleida, 17 i 18 d’abril de 2015

Editorial: Departamento de Cultura ; Generalidad de Cataluña = Generalitat de Catalunya

Año de publicación: 2018

Páginas: 110-121

Congreso: Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia de Ponent (1. 2015. Balaguer i Lleida)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


For more than a decade excavations in Estinclells have allowed to recuperate in its entirety a small Iberian fortress abandoned around 200 AD. This is a one phase settlement that depicts exceptionally the life of an Iberian village of the third century BC. The exceptional discovery of wine and oil press workshop give a strong interest in the site recently joined to Ruta dels Ibers (Iberian Route of Catalonia). At the same time has been created next to the settlement a fi eld of protohistorical experimentation (CEP), where experiments are performed on agriculture, architecture and crafts ceramics. Theses experimental studies have been funded by Recercaixa Social Project and it has been possible to link them to a teaching school project.