Les échos de l’ivressele paralangage dans L’Assommoir d’Émile Zola

  1. Kateřina Valentová 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Lleida

    Universitat de Lleida

    Lleida, España

    ROR https://ror.org/050c3cw24

Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses

ISSN: 1699-4949

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 15

Pages: 575-606

Type: Article

More publications in: Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses


Paralanguage brings together all the audible phenomena that enter into interaction during a communicative act. In a literary text, it has the function of bringing sound effects. Thanks to these elements, we can hear what is only written: noises, the most subtle breaths or even silences. In everyday life, we do not perceive all the sounds in the same way, our brain makes a selection according to what interests us, but in the literature all the noises are important, because they are consciously chosen by the author, often for a deliberate purpose; they create a definite background, reflect a judgment, specify the meaning of the action and the thoughts of the characters.

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