Integración de las TIC en la escritura académicacompetencia informacional y hábitos de búsqueda.

  1. Montserrat Casanovas Catalá
  2. Juan Francisco Campos Menchón
Hekademos: revista educativa digital

ISSN: 1989-3558

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 16

Pages: 9-16

Type: Article

More publications in: Hekademos: revista educativa digital


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has become an essential tool in the personal, professional and academic field and, therefore, the educational system should prepare students for their integration in different situations. In this context, this article aims, on the one hand, to analyse the role that ICTs play in the textual processes developed by university students and, on the other hand, to expose some proposals aimed at the development of skills related to the new literacies in academic writing. This paper is divided into two main sections, besides the introduction and conclusions. In the first one, "Information processing in the development of academic papers", the collected data on how students seek and select information when writing academic texts is analysed. This analysis leads to draw a picture in which is found that although technology is integrated in the social life of students, its academic use is very limited and based on the intuitive way in which technology is used in their everyday lives, which reflects that little or no training has been received in this regard. In the second section, "Proposals aimed at promoting digital integration in the process of developing academic texts", various educational proposals, which involve an efficient use of some digital tools and specific procedures, are described. These proposals have been designed bearing in mind the urgency of developing the new literacies of trainee teachers, who are called to be the educators of future generations.

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