Capítulos de Libro (11) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. AgeTech: Technologies in the Course of Life – An Ongoing Need for Qualitative Research

    Exploring communication through qualitative research (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 300

  2. Albert Camus entre l'Espagne et l'Italie.

    Entre l'Italie et l'Espagne, les arts du voyage: Entre Italia y España, las artes del viaje = Tra Italia e Spagna, le arti del viaggio. (Edizioni Universitarie Romane), pp. 167-178

  3. English language teachers and ELF

    The Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca (Taylor and Francis), pp. 518-528

  4. How to write a research paper

    Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education (, pp. 469-496

  5. Language Awareness: Opening Up the Field of Study

    The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness (Taylor and Francis), pp. 1-19

  6. Language-mediated services for migrants: Monolingualist institutional regimes and translinguistic user practices

    The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 558-576

  7. Les perspectives de migració futura dels i de les estudiants que participen en programes de mobilitat universitària internacional

    L'emigrant 2.0. Emigració juvenil, nous moviments socials i xarxes digitals (Generalitat de Catalunya), pp. 171-182

  8. Raising Teachers’ Awareness about English and English as a Lingua Franca

    The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness (Taylor and Francis), pp. 155-169

  9. The Role of Language Awareness in a Study Abroad Context

    The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness (Taylor and Francis), pp. 275-289

  10. They aren't the big bad communists we were raised to think they were? The representation of Russia in contemporary crime fiction and thrillers

    Contemporary Writing and the Politics of Space: Borders, Networks, Escape Lines (Peter Lang AG), pp. 124-137

  11. Voyage en Italie et transformation intérieure: le cas de Seule Venise par Claudie Gallay.

    Entre l'Italie et l'Espagne, les arts du voyage: Entre Italia y España, las artes del viaje = Tra Italia e Spagna, le arti del viaggio. (Edizioni Universitarie Romane), pp. 121-138