Capítulos de Libro (13) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Annotating factuality in the TAGFACT corpus

    Multiperspectives in analysis and corpus design (Comares), pp. 115-127

  2. Constructing and reconstructing attitudes towards language learning in study abroad

    Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalisation and Social Challenges (Peter Lang AG), pp. 181-202

  3. Dire l'Algérie par son paysage: le regard de Maïssa Bey

    La Langue qu'elles habitent: écritures de femmes, frotières, territories (Peter Lang), pp. 127-146

  4. L'expérience de l'exil chez Malika Mokkedem: de la réalité à la fiction

    Voix francophones de la migration: univers migrant, fictions et réalités (Institut Catholique Toulouse), pp. 77-90

  5. La madre detective en la ficción televisiva: un estudio de caso

    Género e igualdad como señas de identidad modernas (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 463-473

  6. Monstrous Final Girls: The Posthuman Body in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl and M.R. Carey’s The Girl with All the Gifts

    Final Girls, Feminism and Popular Culture (Springer International Publishing), pp. 173-188

  7. NOT English teachers, except when they are: The curious case of oral presentation evaluation rubrics in an EMI-in-HE context1

    The Secret Life of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education: Examining Microphenomena in Context (Taylor and Francis), pp. 96-119

  8. Of Congenial Paranoids and Enlightened Shadows: Theatrical Madness in Titzina’s Folie a Deux: Dreams from a Psychiatric Hospital and Marta Carrasco’s White of a Shadow: Remembering Camille Claudel

    Mad/Sad/Bad: Philosophical, Political, Poetic and Artistic Reflections on the History of Madness (Brill), pp. 181-191

  9. Structure and agency in the development of plurilingual identities in study abroad

    Study Abroad and the Second Language Learner: Expectations, Experiences and Development (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.), pp. 165-188

  10. The impact of study abroad on L2 Spanish pragmatics development

    The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics: Foundations and Interfaces (Taylor and Francis), pp. 485-499

  11. The implications of Cognitive Load Theory and exposure to subtitles in English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

    Audiovisual translation in applied linguistics: educational perspectives (John Benjamins), pp. 57-77

  12. Whispers of resistance to EMI policies: The management of Englishisation through alternative local multilingual practices and dissenting identities1

    The Secret Life of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education: Examining Microphenomena in Context (Taylor and Francis), pp. 70-95

  13. “It’s only a joke” - rape in Family guy/Padre de familia: Comparison between English and Spanish subtitling

    Feminismo(s) y/en traducción (Comares), pp. 57-68