Capítulos de Libro (12) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. 'I thought i was prepared.' ERASMUS students' voices on their transition from L2 learners to L2 users

    Second Language Study Abroad: Programming, Pedagogy, and Participant Engagement (Springer International Publishing), pp. 223-255

  2. At the Crossroads of Nowhere and Everywhere: Home, Nation, and Space in Shamim Sarif's The World Unseen

    Cross/Cultures (Brill Academic Publishers), pp. 107-121

  3. Changing teachers’ attitudes towards ELF

    English as a Lingua Franca for EFL Contexts (Multilingual Matters), pp. 175-191

  4. Fictionalising biography throughout the life-course: Creative memory in Penelope Lively's making it up (2005)

    Literary Creativity and the Older Woman Writer (Peter Lang AG), pp. 82-103

  5. From Cane Cutters and Traders to Citizens and Writers

    Cross/Cultures (Brill Academic Publishers), pp. 1-14

  6. Gender-based Censorship in the Visual and Textual Representation of Family Guy and Padre de Familia

    Traducción, género y censura en la literatura y en los medios de comunicación (Comares), pp. 249-264

  7. Juzgar el todo por la parte: el ejemplo de Irene Némirovsky

    Escritoras en lengua francesa :: renovación del canon literario (Comares), pp. 91-101

  8. Mapping the journey 'between one's origins and one's achievements': Joanna McClelland glass' dramaturgical creativity

    Literary Creativity and the Older Woman Writer (Peter Lang AG), pp. 52-81

  9. Mecanoscrit del segon origen i ficcions distòpiques i post-apocalíptiques contemporànies per a joves adults: anticipant una heroïna feminista?

    Explorant Mecanoscrit del segon origen: noves lectures (Orciny Press), pp. 115-144

  10. Multilingualism in migrant-tailored businesses: The case of telecommunications multinationals and “ethnic” call shops

    The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Taylor and Francis), pp. 361-376

  11. Rêver l'Afrique subsaharienne autrement: l'example de Léonora Miano.

    Frontières: littératures francophones postcoloniales du XXIe siècle: colloque international 23, 30 et 31 mars 2017. (Institut Catholique Toulouse), pp. 263-282

  12. What do we (not) know about the effects of age on L2 development when learning occurs in a study abroad setting?

    The Routledge Handbook of Study Abroad Research and Practice (Taylor and Francis), pp. 465-474